Yes, this is what already happens with regular search engines, what I meant with this feature request is that if they are stored along regular bookmarks they would be a lot easier to manage and export, while retaining all the current functionality.

@TbGbe said in [Feature Proposal] Bookmark Wildcards as Replacement for Search Engines:

This one I don't understand - why do you want to search for %s ? Why not just put %s in search field.

I don't want to search for %s, that is just one caveat of this feature request (a downside if you will). Clicking a bookmark with a wildcard in it, without explicitly specifying a parameter would lead to this weird behavior. Eventually if this were implemented some default behavior for this could be implemented so searching for %s would not happen.

So summarizing, this feature request would be an alternative to the current search engine storage only, behavior would remain the same while potentially (in my layman eyes) unifying and simplifying stuff